Shibin Chulliparambil, Head of IT, Mafatlal Industries

Baseline IT Transformation in Digital Era

Shibin Chulliparambil, Head of IT, Mafatlal Industries
Carlos Kaduoka, Director, Airports, SITA

Let's Create A Sense of Place

Carlos Kaduoka, Director, Airports, SITA
Arvind Mehra, Executive Director & CEO, Mahindra Aerospace

Going Digital in the Aerospace Industry - The Runway to Newer Horizons

Arvind Mehra, Executive Director & CEO, Mahindra Aerospace
Shawn Johnson, VP of Experience Design, NBCUniversal

Designing Experiences for Connected Ecosystems

Shawn Johnson, VP of Experience Design, NBCUniversal
Ashish Desai, Assistant Director of Multimedia Technologies, Villanova University

The Future of A/V Technology #ChoosingWisely

Ashish Desai, Assistant Director of Multimedia Technologies, Villanova University
Sanjeev Jain, CIO, Integreon

Journey to Cloud

Sanjeev Jain, CIO, Integreon